M.S. | Geotechnical Engineering
University of California, Berkeley
B.S. | Civil Engineering
Purdue University
Marc Ryan, PE, GE
Marc Ryan specializes in geotechnical and earthquake engineering for dams, levees, nuclear power plants, and other critical infrastructure. He manages and conducted geotechnical investigations and engineering studies for projects around the world. He specializes in the characterization of site-specific ground motions using probabilistic and deterministic approaches, assessments of geotechnical and geologic hazards for dams and levees (e.g., surface fault rupture, liquefaction and related phenomena, and slope instability and landsliding), and hazard mitigation for new and existing projects. His practice is geographically diverse and his experience extends throughout California, the United States, as well as worldwide. He manages studies under the jurisdiction of the OSHPD, California Department of Water Resources – Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI). He has also served on technical review boards and expert panels for the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), water and power utility owners, and other owners on various dam projects.
He has served as a FERC Part 12D Independent Consultant (IC) facilitator for Potential Failure Modes Analysis (PFMA) for more than 10 different dam projects. Marc has managed and conducted dam safety inspections, geotechnical investigations, and engineering studies for earthfill and rockfill dams around the world. He has also provided geotechnical characterization studies for concrete dams, intake towers, spillway structures, spillway gates, and other appurtenant structures. He has participated in mandated dam safety inspections for earthfill, rockfill, and concrete dams, and understands the importance of instrumentation and monitoring in an overall dam safety program. He has been the project manager for several projects where liquefaction potential was a key aspect of the analysis and retrofit design including Anderson and Calero Dams (Santa Clara Valley Water District), Robinson Dam (Duke Energy) and San Pablo Dam (East Bay Municipal Utility District).